We are


Using Heritage and Place to Support Community     Regeneration & Renewal  

We provide specialist advice and consultancy in heritage management, heritage-led regeneration, place making and community renewal.

We are an integrative practice in heritage and regeneration and can offer a wide range of services to enable communities, charities, local government and business to bring about sustainable economic development and social renewal. 

Our practice is built around community engagement, economic deliverability and long term sustainability.

Our team of associates have many years of experience across the private, charitable, local government and education sectors.  We are well placed to have a detailed understanding of complex issues and develop project road maps which are evidence based. 

We seek to preserve, renew, and reinvigorate places as dynamic spaces with social, cultural and economic value; Places of pride and belonging which attract people to visit, work, learn and live.

Why "Heritage-Place-Renewal"?

We work with people to explore what they value about their communities and the historic environment around them.  We create plans for regneration and renewal which value that heritage whilst seeking to deliver a sustainable future.  


Our heritage is everywhere – It creates the historic environment and is the context shaping who we are and how we live.

Our approach takes in a wide view of the historic environment - not just those items formally conserved, protected or listed - but all the things which communities value. 

We believe that understanding heritage in all its forms is the first step in engaging communities and shaping sustainable regeneration.


Place is how we as individuals and communities respond to the historic environment - it is about the stories and meanings which we attach to a locality. 

It is a product of shared experiences, values and perceptions.  Viable place making should come from the community, its people and their stories. 


We use heritage and place to create new social and economic opportunities for communities.

We work with stakeholders to help shape strategies, models and masterplans for renewal projects at every scale – from the adaptive re-use and retrofit of individual buildings to whole area concepts creating new cultural-quarters and mixed-use communities out of former industrial dereliction.  


How We Work

We work in partnership with our clients – Our broad based approach means that we spend time to understand what the client actually needs (and not just by working though a checklist!). This process ensures we identify the best possible approach to reach a deliverable and sustainable solution.

Having created a bespoke brief we assemble a team with appropriate skills in heritage, planning, architecture and economics to answer those questions.  We take our lead from the community not the listed structure.